Virtual Meeting

Partner Loss

In person Meeting

Partner Loss is a peer to peer support meeting and safe place, for anyone who is grieving the loss of their partner.

Virtual Meeting Info


Sunday 7.30pm UK

Next meetings - 12th, 26th May

In person Meeting Info

What is it?

Partner Loss is a peer to peer support meeting, and safe space, for anyone who is grieving the loss of a partner. Partner Loss allows those who are dealing with the death of a partner to come together in a space that understands, and acknowledges, the nuances of their grief. The meeting was created by attendees who have themselves experienced the loss of a partner, and it continues to be run and hosted this way. TNN acknowledges that, historically, support for bereaved partners has not always been available to all types of partners, but our Partner Loss meeting is an inclusive one: anyone who has lost a partner is welcome, regardless of marital status, length of relationship, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, heritage, religion, with or without children, current relationship status, complex relationship, etc.

Why did it start?

The New Normal was set up to provide a safe space for anyone to grieve and to feel comfortable exploring their grief. Partner Loss, launched in June 2022, was created to give voice and space to attendees who often felt they could not fully relate to discussions in Good Grief meetings: this meeting allows attendees to navigate this ‘new normal’ through shared experience and connection with others who really ‘get’ it. “Attending Good Grief meetings with The New Normal has undoubtedly saved my life, as I struggled to cope with the death of my husband. The genuine connection and support I have received, from all types of grievers, has been massively important to both my grief and mental health journeys. Now, with the creation of the Partner Loss meeting, I can share and connect with people who truly understand the complexities and nuances of grieving a partner, and your own future, all in one loss.” Founding Host, Hollie.

What to expect?

The meeting is a safe space to comfortably, and without judgement, share your experiences of grief with others who recognise and understand your pain. Meetings are facilitated by two volunteer ‘hosts’: these are peer attendees who have also been bereaved and support the running of the meeting, but are not trained professionals. Each meeting is around 75 minutes. At the beginning of the session, attendees will be asked to introduce themselves with their name, their pronouns (if comfortable doing so), and the name of the person that has died. There is no pressure to speak again for the duration, if you do not wish to do so. This is a safe space where you can share anything that is relevant; you do not need to censor your grief. We do ask that everyone is respectful of privacy and to treat each other and themselves with kindness.

Where is it?

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Meet the hosts

Here's a selection of some of our wonderful meeting hosts. / Voici certaines des hôtes qui facilitent les rencontres.



I lost my husband, Pete, to sarcoma cancer in February 2020.

The grief was compounded by the loss of my Dad and cat just a few months later, as well as a miscarriage. As time went on I failed to find anything that really helped and my mental health spiralled out of control. I discovered The New Normal when co-founders, Jack & Ben, took part in the Good Grief Festival, and I attended my first online Good Grief meeting the following week. In my first meeting I talked, I cried uncontrollably, I shared my story. The Hosts, and my fellow grievers, reassured me that it was a safe space, that I didn't need to censor my grief, and they shared their own experiences. I have been attending for almost a year, and I can honestly say that it has saved my life. As well as giving back to the charity, hosting gives me the opportunity to provide that same safe space to others going through the trauma of loss and grief. My own grief journey continues but I’m grateful to have found a community here to go through it with.